Thursday, October 30, 2014



Damn, that's a hot man.

Yes, please.

Yes,  my tongue is out too.


Sexy fur.

Hot stomach.

That's a lot of fur.


Big boy.

Beefy boy.

This guy is so damn hot.

I'd get under the covers with him.


Le sigh.

Hey Daddy!

Beautiful physique.

Foxy Brown is my spirit animal.

If you are going to be in porn, you might at least look like you are interested in being there.

Arca's song "Held Apart" on his debut album Xen is one minute and twenty seconds of achingly beautiful music.

Most of my office floor is out on Fridays. I need to look into this plan.

For someone with small hands and fingers, I have some seriously fat thumbs.


Does anyone really read my music posts on here? Or do they just come for the shirtless men?

Actually, after I wrote that, someone on FB commented that they love the music I post on my blog, so I guess I have my answer.

Subtlety is rare in religious music.

I loathe making small talk.

Ariel Pink is seriously overrated.

Hee hee.

OK Go make some amazing videos, but do you really recall any of their songs? I just saw their new clip, and it was really cool, but I couldn't hum you the melody if I tried.

Versatility is a lost art.

Don't tell Andrew but I like "Shake It Off."

I'm not quite sure I want to try BBQ from Wendy's.

Maple frosted donuts in the fall are amazing.

I'll tell you when I've had enough, dammit.

"Die with memories, not dreams." I love that quote.

If one of your main concerns in life is whether or not a dishwasher is loaded properly, you have some issues.

One of the legal assistants on my floor sprays her office down everyday with Lysol and wipes everything with disinfectant wipes. I am all for cleanliness, but somehow I think she is creating some super bacteria over there that will eventually be resistant to all disinfectants.

I really don't find long hair on a man attractive at all.


Who wouldn't want a hedgehog?

Watching people try to walk a cat on a leash is hysterical.

If your relationship is so perfect/wonderful/dreamy why are you always on FB posting about it 10 times a day? Shouldn't you be enjoying it with your partner rather than trying to convince yourself and others?

One of the many pleasures in loft living is that we don't have to get candy for trick or treaters.

Your cute for the day.

Lyrics Rattling Around My Brain

"You're probably the only one, though it is hard to admit
That can save me
And I never liked to ask for a helping hand
But I do now

I look into your eyes
This hard, bewildered stare
Part of me wants to hurt you
Tear in your hair
But I don't do that now

A naive, open wounded exchange of stories that transforms us here
But I think I am the only one breathing on this planet tonight

The cheap sweat smothered makeup
Makes her face look as if dissolving
Yet full of grace
Here in the darkness now

One hundred Euro wine
I do believe in heaven and I do believe its time
Yes its time now
Five inch white high heels
I do believe in heaven and I do believe its real
And its okay now

Vast scarlet leisure
Immense blood pressure
Scatterbrained love lecture
Come here and be gorgeous for me now

After all I think it's evident that I am god's favorite one
And now is the time I should have whatever I desire

One hundred Euro wine
I do believe in heaven and I do believe its time
Faceless company
It don't matter much to me
Five inch white high heels
I do believe in heaven and I do believe its real
Dreamlike mirage haze
I'm positively god's favorite one

favorite one
favorite one
favorite one
I do believe I'm the lord's favorite one."

"The Lord's Favorite"

"Oh what's that seeking us
Still hands are gonna talk to us
Looked in your eye, in your eye

Seagull laugh and pick the bones
The entity I wrestle to the ground
Looked in the eye, looked in the eye


Some teasing and then bring myself in too
It's like I've forgotten you
Think I'm gonna go to pieces now
Come and fall in (in love) the dark


Thom Yorke
"A Brain In A Bottle"

Appealing Things

A good haircut
The view from my new office
New office supplies
New office laptop
The Book of Life
My new Oakley sunglasses

Annoying Things

Having to pay out-of-pocket for lab fees
Trying to figure out whether or not to accept my Mother's friend request on FB
Lacking gym motivation

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