Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Try Reading The Constitution First

I really don't like being political or even commenting on politics.  Personally, I can't stand when elections roll around because it never truly becomes about the issues, it becomes who can out-attack the other candidate and I just end up tuning everything out.  And I am not limiting it to one party.  They all do it, and it is reprehensible.  I do vote, but it is usually only after having to do my own, almost investigative journalism to find out what each candidate truly stands for.

But what truly bugs me are these "candidates" who have no intelligence and common sense and basically feed off the ignorance of others.  I can't believe that Christine O'Donnell was chosen by voters to be the Republican candidate for Senator in Delaware.  Everytime she opens her mouth I am just shocked at the stupidity she vomits out.  Like this for example, where she actually asks where the U.S. Constitution mentions the separation between Church and State.

If only Julia Sugarbaker were a real person to step in and provide some reason.

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