Sunday, May 24, 2009

Odd Sunday

Woke up this morning to an odd occurrence. Was sitting in the living room about to enjoy my coffee when all of a sudden I heard a terrific crash. Thinking my cat had knocked something over I ran into the bedroom, but did not find anything out of place. I walked into the bathroom and looked around and didn't see anything strange, but heard what sounded like water dripping from the shower head. So I thought for a second that the shower head had come off the wall. And looking at the door it looked like water was all over the glass until I looked closer and saw that the door had shattered, and that the sound was of the glass starting to break. As you can see from the pictures there is a huge hole in the glass, but nothing went through it. I am completely perplexed as to why it happened.

My Latin musclebear friend Jorge is coming over in a minute to help me out. Luckily he works for a company that manages condo associations, so he is my knight in shining armor. I definitely do not have the home improvement gene.

1 comment:

  1. while i miss owning, i do LOVE that i can just call the office when things go wrong. esp since i lack a Jorge


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