Wednesday, June 8, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day Six - A Song That Reminds You Of Somewhere

Day Six - A Song That Reminds You Of Somewhere
The Avalanches
"Since I Left You"

It was the end of summer 2001, and I had just finished my summer associate position at a law firm and had a week off before started my last year in law school. Will, my partner at the time, was from Martha's Vineyard, and had rented a house for two weeks, first week for family and second week for friends. I arrived in the second week and had one of those magical weeks where it was nothing but relaxation, good friends, good drink, and good food. Also, the house was a gorgeous, huge house with several different gardens, in which you were always discovering something new. There were so many days spent lazily wandering around the grounds, sleeping in a hammock, or reading on the front porch, with The Avalanches album playing in the background. Everytime I hear this album, I only think of that wonderful place.

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